More than 400 years ago St. Ignatius Loyola developed a prayer-filled mindfulness practice called the Daily Examen. The Examen is a technique of prayerful reflection on the events of the day in order to detect God’s presence and to discern his direction for us. Try this enneagram version of St. Ignatius’s prayer.
A Pilgrimage For All -
The 8 Stations of PIlgrimage
In this workbook, the author challenges us to consider the idea that pilgrimage is a human need. That these intentional encounters with God lead to personal growth and spiritual transformation. She proposes that it can take on many different forms. It can happen in your local area and look like: a hike, walking a labyrinth or stations of the cross. It can be a service-focused journey (short-term mission trip). It can also look like international travel to ancient ruins, heart places, or destinations of profound beauty or culture. While a pilgrimage can take hours or months, it has less to do with the details of the journey than the heart and focus of the traveler.